On the first instance when we think of writing OET/IELTS, a candidate start thiking where to study OET or IELTS. It often turns ou to be a difficult choice for us. We are likely to be mislead by the enticing advertisments and reputation of many institutions. Many of us even fail to distingush between the sponsered ones and genuine generic promotions. So here are some ‘Dos and Don’ts’ of chosing a reliable institute to study for these language examinations.
Start Earlier
This some of the fundamentals you need to know about this language exams. First thing to always remember is that the earlier you start, the better your scores will be. You need to START YOUR PREPARATION as EARLY as possible. It helps you get familier with the test. Similarly, it enables you to aquire the desired improvement in the language, if needed. If any one who promise you the shortest course duration for you to achieve the optimum score, believe me, they are eyeing on your money. Enroll yourself into a course with a longer duration. once the course commences, you will come to know about the test taking skills, and if you are diarly in need of writing the exam sooner, make sure you achieve the required language proficiany for all modules (sub-tests) — spoken English specially for speaking– go ahead and write your examiation.
Use English as Much as Possible
It would always be better to be in an institution where you will have a chance to USE ENGLISH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Remember the fact that one can never improve in a language through the medium of another language. One would never improve in English through the mediume of another language. In a place where you can always speackand listen to english, you would increase your chances of winning many folds. It maximises your chances of optimizing your score. Aplace of English should be the place where you chose to study OET/IELTS.
Institutions Using Official Practice Meteriels
Better not to choose a coaching centere that provides you study metierial publised by any indipendent publisher. Do not use unofficial meterials for practice. The designers of these language examinations (Cambridge English and Boxhill Institute, Australia} have published and are publishing enough practice materiels for these exams. They are writtn in the same way as in the real test. Choose an institution that provides you with those offcial meteriels. That is where you need to study for your OET/IELTS.
You Get Feedback from Reliable Tutors
Make sure that the institute that as tutors who are qualified in English as well as trained in OET training. The OET trainers trainer program gives them enough knowledge about the writing and speaking criteria. Unlike a candidate who has barely managed to pass the exam may not be able to guide you through. But these trained professionals must be able to wal you throug. They will be able to give you the right and relible feedback. So yo realize your own level of English, where you stand and where you need to improve.